Screening for Plagiarism
The Indonesian Journal of Education and Practice (IJEP) is committed to upholding the integrity and originality of academic publications. As part of our commitment to maintaining high ethical standards, all submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous plagiarism screening process that consists of the following steps.
Screening Process
Upon submission, each manuscript is assigned a unique identification code and entered into the IJEP's manuscript management system. All manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism detection using Turnitin. This tool compares the submitted manuscript against an extensive database of published works, including journal articles, conference papers, and other academic sources, as well as web content.
The journal accepts manuscripts with a similarity index of less than 20%. This threshold excludes references, direct quotations, and properly cited sources. Manuscripts with a similarity index of 20%-30% are reviewed more closely. The editorial team will assess whether the similarities are due to common phrases, technical terms, or extensive use of sources that are appropriately cited. Manuscripts with a similarity index above 30% or with clear evidence of plagiarism (e.g., extensive copied content without proper citation) will be rejected outright. Authors may be allowed to revise and resubmit in cases where minor issues are identified.
In addition to automated screening, the editorial team manually reviews the flagged sections of the manuscript. This review assesses the context of the similarities, ensuring that quoted material is properly cited and that the manuscript adheres to academic standards.
Notification to Authors
Authors will be notified if minor plagiarism issues are detected. They will be required to revise the manuscript to address these issues before it proceeds to the peer review process. If significant plagiarism is identified, the manuscript will be rejected, and the authors will be informed of the reasons. A detailed report from the plagiarism detection software will be provided.
Authors whose manuscripts have been flagged for minor plagiarism issues may resubmit their revised work. The resubmitted manuscript will undergo the same screening process.