Review Process

  • Each manuscript submitted to Journal of Bahasa Indonesia Studies will undergo a double-blind review process starting with an initial review by the editorial board members (within about 4 days). If found to be of a suitable quality and meets the aims and scope of the journal, it will then be sent to the reviewer.

  • The reviewing process takes up to 2-8 weeks from the date of receipt of the article. The detailed processes are: 1) 1-2 days for editor assessment (determining plagiarism and other technical checks), and 2) 2-8 weeks for external review (this stage is usually beyond our control, but we do send reminder emails to the reviewers.). Hence, it is only fair that you contact us at least 2 weeks after the date of submission if you need any update or status of your submission.

  • Where manuscript revision is required, authors are urged to ensure that the necessary corrections are made before the manuscript can be accepted for production. The review process can be broadly summarized into 10 steps, although these steps can vary slightly between journals. Explore what’s involved, below.